

Gândit pentru a reînvia pacea și armonia trupului, a sufletului și a minții, Majestic WELLNESS oferă tratamente extraordinare, cu o atenție impecabilă la toate detaliile minore. Echilibrează-ți și calmează-ți chakrele – cei șapte centri de energie ai corpului, cu masajul cu pietre calde, întineriește-ți spiritul cu aromoterapie, energizează-ți corpul cu reflexologie, răsfață-ți toate simțurile cu masajele orientale de exfoliere și thalasso în baia turcească exclusivistă și multe altele…

Cufundați-vă în această experiență de wellness de lux supremă, răsplătiți-vă și revitalizați-vă corpul din cap până în picioare cu un amestec perfect de masaje asiatice exotice, tratamente și ritualuri orientale, băi relaxante, împachetări corporale și tratamente faciale.

Majestic Beach Resort
Baia turcească

Part of the traditional Turkish bath /hammam/. Once warmed on the marble bed your body will be gently exfoliated with special silky glove. Thus the body is released from accumulated toxins. Then follows an effective foamy wash of body and hair with Oriental soap and massage movements which stimulate the blood circulation and metabolism. The Oriental scrub is the first step in the magic named WELLNESS.

Majestic Beach Resort

Deeply relaxing massage which helps you release tension and stress. The smooth and harmonious movements of the therapist with work on the tensed muscles at the background of gentle and relaxing music for complete mental and physical relaxation.

Majestic Beach Resort
Asian Rituals-Tratamente si rit

Ancient Japanese massage /’shi’ – finger, ‘atsu’- pressure/, Shiatsu is a real art providing deep relaxation of the body and peace of the mind. It balances the central nervous system; it is suitable for muscle and joint problems.

Majestic Beach Resort

Traditional Indian scrub which helps remove accumulated toxins from the body and leaves the skin soft and glowing. It uses a mixture of dried seeds, milk and massage oil. The procedure ends with herbal bath.

Majestic Beach Resort
Ritualuri exotice de bunăstare

It begins with gentle exfoliation of the body with raspberry or kiwi extracts and removing of the dead skin cells.

Majestic Beach Resort
Tratamente anti-celulită

The most efficient means of fighting “orange peel skin”. The massage aims to restore the normal blood and lymph circulation which relieves the elimination of excess fluids and waste products, amassed in fat cells. The deep massage stimulates decompose the unnatural intercell fibres.

Majestic Beach Resort
Băi și împachetări corporale

Chocolate body mask
Chocolate facial mask
Mud body mask
Remineralization seaweed mask
Seaweed facial mask

Majestic Beach Resort
Tratamente faciale cu „THALGO „Professional Line

Experience the purity of marine beauty. Cleanse and restore your skin with this refreshing treatment, tailored to your skin type and specific concerns. Whether you want to maintain optimum hydration, combat problem skin or soothe sensitive skin, your therapist will find the optimum combination.


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